
次世代知能科学研究センター(AIセンター) AIセミナー & GCL GD Techtalks

  • 日時:2017.11.17 17:00-18:30
  • 場所:工学部2号館1階212講義室
  • 主催:次世代知能科学研究センター(AIセンター)
  • 共催:ソーシャルICT グローバル・クリエイティブリーダー育成プログラム(GCL)


Dr. Hsiao-Wuen Hon, マイクロソフトリサーチアジア所長


Helping machines and people learn


 In recent years, there have been much progress in machine learning in the areas of computer vision, speech, natural language processing, and other domains. Yet, there remain many challenging situations where better machine learning algorithms are necessary. There are cases where teaching signals and evaluation metrics are very clear. There are also scenarios where evaluation metrics can be subjective and one would need to rely on real world feedback for better learning. In this talk, I will present some of the recent work in helping machines learn from Microsoft Research Asia, such as dual learning and self-generated data learning. Furthermore, I will highlight some important challenges for machine learning. Lastly, as artificial intelligence makes bigger impact on society, people also need to adapt to enhance their skills. I will talk about some recent work on using machine to help people learn.


 Dr. Hsiao-Wuen Hon is corporate vice president of Microsoft, chairman of Microsoft’s Asia- Pacific R&D Group, and managing director of Microsoft Research Asia.He has been with Microsoft since 1995, joined Microsoft Research Asia in 2004 as deputy managing director, stepping into the role of managing director in 2007. An IEEE Fellow and a distinguished scientist of Microsoft. He is an internationally recognized expert in speech technology and has published more than 100 technical papers in international journals and at conferences. Dr. Hon received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University and a B.S. in Electric Engineering from National Taiwan University.