
Organization Structure

Affiliated Schools and Institutes/Centers

Director and Department Heads


KUNIYOSHI Yasuo Department of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Head, Department of Machine Intelligence

HARADA Tatsuya Machine Intelligence
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology

Head, Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence

IBA Hitoshi Department of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Head, Department of Human AI

AIHARA Kazuyuki International Research Center for NeurointelligenceExecutive Director

Head, Department of Intelligent Society

KARASAWA KaoriDivision of Socio-cultural Studies
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology

Head, Department of Social Cooperation Program

KUNIYOSHI YasuoDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Department Head, Project Professor (joint appointment)

Head, New Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters

KUNIYOSHI YasuoDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Headquarter Head (joint appointment)


AI Center Department

*: Head of the department marked with *

Department of Machine Intelligence

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
HARADA TatsuyaDepartment of Machine Intelligence*Machine Intelligence
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
AI Center Department Head* / Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterImage Recognition, Machine Learning, Intelligent Robots
AKAZAWA HiroshiDepartment of Machine Intelligence Cardiovascular Medicine, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
LecturerCardiovascular Medicine
ASHIDA YutoDepartment of Machine Intelligence Institute for Physics of Intelligence
Graduate School of Science
Associate ProfessorQuantum physics, Condensed matter physics
FUJIMOTO AkihiroDepartment of Machine Intelligence Division of International Health
Graduate School of Medicine
ProfessorHuman Genetics, Medical Genomics, Evolutionary genetics
FUJIU KatsuhitoDepartment of Machine IntelligenceCardiovascular Medicine, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
Project Associate ProfessorCirculation system, Inter-organ network, Patient physiological data, Medicine
FUKUNAGA AlexDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
ProfessorSearch algorithms, Planning, Constraint satisfaction
HIROTA YasushiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDivision of Reproductive, Development and Aging Sciences
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorObstetrics & Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine & Biology, Embryo Implantation, Endoscopic Surgery
KABASHIMA YoshiyukiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics of Intelligence
Graduate School of Science
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterStatistical mechanics, Information theory, Machine learning
KAWAZOE YoshimasaDepartment of Machine IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Graduate School of Medicine
Project Associate ProfessorMedical Informatics, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
KITA YoshihiroDepartment of Machine IntelligenceLife Sciences Core Facility
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorMetabolomics, Lipidomics, Mass Spectrometry, Biochemistry
KOBAYASHI KensukeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics of Intelligence
Graduate School of Science
ProfessorCondensed matter physics, Quantum sensing
MORO ToruDepartment of Machine IntelligenceOrthopaedic Surgery, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
Project ProfessorOrthopaedics, Joint, Bone, Cartilage, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis , Fracture
MUKUTA YusukeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceMachine Intelligence
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
LecturerImage Recognition, Machine Learning, Feature Extraction
NAKAI YosukeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Endoscopy and Endoscopic Surgery
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorGastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastrointestinal oncology, Pancreatic cancer.
NAKAYAMA HidekiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Creative Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorImage Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Multimodal Information Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
SATO IsseiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Computer Science
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Associate ProfessorMachine Learning
SATO ShinichiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDivision of Surgical Sciences
Graduate School of Medicine
ProfessorDermatology, Scleroderma
SATO YoichiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceCenter for Socio-Global Informatics
Institute of Industrial Science
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterComputer Vision
SUGIYAMA MasashiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Complexity Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterMachine Learning, Statistical Data Analysis
SUZUKI TaijiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Mathematical Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorStatistical Learning Theory, Machine Learning, Learning Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Probabilistic Optimization
TODO SyngeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics of Intelligence
Graduate School of Science
ProfessorComputational Physics, 
Condensed-matter Theory, 
Machine Learning, 
Quantum Computing
TSUDA KojiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
ProfessorMachine Learning, Bioinformatics
TSURUOKA YoshimasaDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorNatural Language Processing, Game AI
Wei GuoDepartment of Machine IntelligenceEndowed Chair for Field Phenomics
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Associate ProfessorAgricultural Informatics, Plant Phenomics, machine learning, image processing
YOSHIDA NaokiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics of Intelligence
Graduate School of Science
ProfessorData analysis, astrophysics, deep learning
YOSHIZAKI AyumiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDermatology, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
Project Associate ProfessorDermatology, systemic sclerosis, autoimmune disease

Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
IBA HitoshiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence*Department of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
AI Center Department Head* / Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterEvolutionary Computation, Evolution / Emergence
FUKAO TakanoriDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorField Robotics
HARADA KanakoDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceCenter for Biology and Integrative Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorMedical Robotics, 
Computer Aided Surgery
HIGASHI TakahiroDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligencePublic Health, Graduate School of MedicineProfessor
HIRAFUJI MasayukiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceInstitute for Sustainable Agro-ecosystem Services
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Project ProfessorField Informatics, Sensing, IoT, Big Data, AI, Personal Fabrication, Space Agriculture, Biological System Modeling
IMAI TakeshiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceCenter for Biology and Integrative Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorMedical medical care, Knowledge engineering, Natural language processing, Clinical medical learning, Machine learning, Medical information standardization, Information model
KAWAHARAZUKA KentoNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Lecturer, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterHumanoid, Intelligent Robot, Biomimetic Robot, Machine Learning, Foundation Models
KUNIYOSHI YasuoDepartment of Human AI(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence+Intelligent Society) (joint appointment)Department of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Director, Professor, AI Center Department Head / Project Professor* (joint appointment), Steering Committee Member of AI CenterIntelligent Systems Informatics: Emergence And Development Of Embodied Cognition, Bio-insipired Robotics, Intelligent Robotics, Human Neural/Physical Model, “Human” Artificial Intelligence
MIZOGUCHI MasaruDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Global Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterResilience Agronomy, Agro-informatics, Agricultural ICT/IoT
MORIKAWA HiroyukiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems
Graduate School of Engineering
ProfessorInformation Networks, IoT (Internet of Things), Wireless Communications, Digital Society Design
NAITO HirokiNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Assistant ProfessorAgricultural Infomatics, Greenhouse Horticulture, Remote Sensing, Image Monitoring, Agricultural IoT, Agricultural work support
NAKAJIMA KoheiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Associate ProfessorSoft Robotics, Physical Reservoir Computing, Physical Intelligence, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Information Theory
NOZAKI TomoyoshiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDivision of International Health
Graduate School of Medicine
ProfessorDrug discovery, drug development, infectious diseases
OKADA KeiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Creative Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorIntelligent Robotics, Humanoids, Open Robot System
OSHIMA MariDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceInterfaculty Initiative in Information StudiesProfessorComputational Hemodynamics, Multi-Modality Data Assimilation, Data-Driven Surrogate Model, 3D Vascular Model
SHINODA HiroyukiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Complexity Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
ProfessorHaptics, Physical Informatics
SOMEYA TakaoDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems
Graduate School of Engineering
ProfessorWearable Devices
TOYODA MasashiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceCenter for Socio-Global Informatics
Institute of Industrial Science
ProfessorInteractive data analysis, Big data, Information visualization
YAIRI TakehisaDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Graduate School of Engineering
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterLearning Of Dynamic Systems, Anomaly / Novelty Detection, Unsupervised Learning
YAMADA YutaDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceGynecologic Surgery, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
LecturerUrology, Robotic surgery
Zheng YinqiangNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterComputer Vision, Machine Learning, Numerical Optimization, Optical System

Department of Human AI

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
AIHARA KazuyukiDepartment of Human AI*International Research Center for NeurointelligenceAI Center Department Head* / Executive Director, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterComputational Neuroscience, Mathematical Engineering 
AIZAWA KiyoharuDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorMultimedia, Computer Vision, Image Processing
BITO HaruhikoDepartment of Human AIDivision of Neuroscience
Graduate School of Medicine
ProfessorBrain Information Dynamics, Neurochemistry
DAIKOKU TatsuyaDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Associate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterCreativity, Music, Cognitive neuroscience, Machine learning
HIRAKI KazuoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
ProfessorDevelopmental Science, Cognitive Science, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, EdTech
IGARASHI TakeoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Creative Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorUser Interface / Graphics
IKEGAMI TakashiDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
ProfessorComplex systems sciences, Artificial life
JIMBO YasuhikoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Precision Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
KAKEHI YasuakiDepartment of Human AIInterfaculty Initiative in Information StudiesProfessorHuman Computer Interaction, Media Art, Physical Interfaces
KANAZAWA HoshinoriDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Project Assistant ProfessorDevelopmental science, Neuroscience
KIYOKAWA SachikoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Integrated Educational Sciences
Graduate School of Education
Associate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterCognitive Science, Educational Psychology
KUNIYOSHI YasuoDepartment of Human AI(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence+Department of Intelligent Society) (joint appointment)Department of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Director, Professor,  AI Center Department Head / Project Professor* (joint appointment), Steering Committee Member of AI CenterIntelligent Systems Informatics: Emergence And Development Of Embodied Cognition, Bio-inspired Robotics, Intelligent Robotics, Human Neural/Physical Model, “Human” Artificial Intelligence
MATSUI YusukeDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
LecturerImage Searching
MATSUZAKI MasanoriDepartment of Human AIDivision of Functional Biology
Graduate School of Medicine
MIYAO YusukeDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Computer Science
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorNatural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Syntactic/Semantic Parsing
NAEMURA TakeshiDepartment of Human AIInterfaculty Initiative in Information StudiesProfessorHuman Interfaces, Virtual Reality
NAGAI YukieDepartment of Human AIInternational Research Center for NeurointelligenceProject ProfessorCognitive Developmental Robotics
NAKAGAWA SatoshiDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Assistant ProfessorHuman-robot Interaction, Machine Learning, Welfare Engineering
NAKAMURA YusukeDepartment of Human AIDivision of Cultural Resources Studies
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
ProfessorStudy on cognitive artifacts
NOZAWA SachikoDepartment of Human AIThe Center for Early Childhood Development, Education,and Policy Research
Graduate School of Education
Associate ProfessorEarly Childhood Education and Care,  Developmental Psychology
OKADA MasatoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Complexity Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
ProfessorData-Driven Science
OKADA TakeshiDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Integrated Educational Sciences
Graduate School of Education
ProfessorPsychology of Creativity
SONE KenbunDepartment of Human AIObstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorDevelopment of AI-Based Medical Devices for Gynecologic Cancer
TAGA GentaroDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Integrated Educational Sciences
Graduate School of Education
ProfessorHuman developmental brain science
TAKAHASHI HirokazuDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorBrain, Neural Engineering, Electrophysiology, Microelectrodes,
Hearing, Epilepsy, BMI / BCI, Neurodynamics 
TANIKAWA TomohiroDepartment of Human AISocial ICT Research Center
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorHuman Interface, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Behavior-Inducing Technology, Social Cybernetics
UEDA KazuhiroDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterCognitive Science, Decision Science
YAMAMOTO TomotakaDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Performance Monitoring and Risk Management
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorNeurology, Patient safety, Resilient health care
YAMASAKI ToshihikoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorComputer Vision, Multimedia, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning
YAMAUCHI ToshimasaDepartment of Human AIDivision of Internal Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine
ProfessorAdipokines, Insulin Signaling, Susceptibility Gene, Personalized Medicine, Genetic Testing, Bioinformatics, Polygenic Risk Score, Big Data, Genetic / Environmental interaction, Chronic Inflammation, Lifestyle-related Diseases, Immunometabolism, Bacterial Flora, Omix Analysis, Healthy Longevity, Aging, Exercise, Epigenome, Medical Science And Engineering Cooperation, Clinical Research, Comprehensive Database Project Based On An Advanced Electronic Medical Record, Structure-Based Drug Design

Department of Intelligent Society

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
KARASAWA KaoriDepartment of Intelligent Society*Division of Socio-cultural Studies
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
AI Center Department Head* / Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterSocial Psychology, Social Cognition
ABE MakotoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Management
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorMarketing Science, Behavioral Economics, Consumer Behavior
EMA ArisaDepartment of Intelligent SocietyTechnology Governance Policy Research Unit
Institute for Future Initiatives
Associate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterScience and Technology Studies
ENDO ToshihikoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Integrated Educational Sciences,
The Center for Early Childhood Development, Education,and Policy Research
Graduate School of Education
Professor, DirectorDevelopmental Psychology, Emotional Psychology
HATO EijiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Civil Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Professor, Project Professor (joint appointment)Mobility, Behavioral Model, Urban Design
HIRAIKE OsamuDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Reproductive, Development and Aging Sciences
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorReproductive Endocrinology
HIRONO YoshiyukiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
ProfessorApplied ethics, Evolutionary biology, Science studies, Science communication
INADA HaruhikoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyPublic Health, Graduate School of MedicineAssociate Professorpublic health, epidemiology, injury prevention, health policy, program evaluation
KATO JunkoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate Schools for law and PoliticsProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterPolitical Science
KAWAGUCHI DaijiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate School of Public PolicyProfessorLabor Economics
KOJIMA FuhitoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorMatching Theory, Market Design
KUMAGAYA ShinichiroDepartment of Intelligent SocietyTojisha-Kenkyu
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
Associate ProfessorTojisha-kenkyu, Peadiatrics
KUNIYOSHI YasuoDepartment of Human AI(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence+Department of Intelligent Society) (joint appointment)Department of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Director, Professor,  AI Center Department Head / Project Professor* (joint appointment), Steering Committee Member of AI CenterIntelligent Systems Informatics: Emergence And Development Of Embodied Cognition, Bio-inspired Robotics, Intelligent Robotics, Human Neural/Physical Model, “Human” Artificial Intelligence
MATSUO YutakaDepartment of Intelligent SocietyResearch into Artifacts, Center for Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering 
ProfessorDeep Learning, Social Media, General Artificial Intelligence
MATSUSHIMA HitoshiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorGame theory, Mechanism Design, Microeconomics, Experimental Economics
NIREI MakotoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorMacroeconomics, Business cycles, Household income and wealth distributions
OHASHI HiroshiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate School of EconomicsProfessorEconomics, Competition Policy, Industrial Organization
OHE KazuhikoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Social Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterMedical and Healthcare Information Science
OHMUKAI IkkiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyCenter for Evolving Humanities
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
Associate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterDigital Humanities, Web Informatics, Scholarly Communication
OMORI YasuhiroDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorBayesian Statistics, Bayesian Econometrics, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Stochastic volatility
SAKURA OsamuDepartment of Intelligent SocietyInterfaculty Initiative in Information StudiesProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterSocial Theory Of Science And Technology, Social Formation Of Technology, Cultural Differences In Perception Of Technology
SASAKI HajimeDepartment of Intelligent SocietyNext Generation Sky System Research Unit, Intellectual Property Rights Policy Research Unit, Nanotechnology Innovation Research Unit
Institute for Future Initiatives
Associate ProfessorInnovation Management
SHINTANI MototsuguDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorMacroeconomics, Econometrics, Time Series Analysis
SHIROYAMA HideakiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate School of Public PolicyProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterPublic Administration, Science And Technology And Public Policy, International Administration Theory
SHISHIDO GeorgeDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate Schools for law and PoliticsProfessorConstitutional Law, Information Law
SUZUKI TakayukiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
ProfessorPhilosophy of mind, Philosophy of artificial intelligence
TORIUMI FujioDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Systems Innovation
Graduate School of Engineering
ProfessorComputational Social Science, Artificial Intelligence for Society
YANAGAWA NoriyukiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterLaw And Economics
YONEMURA ShigetoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate Schools for law and PoliticsProfessorCivil Law / Medical Law

Department of Social Cooperation Program

New Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
Zheng YinqiangNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterComputer Vision, Machine Learning, Numerical Optimization, Optical System
KAWAHARAZUKA KentoNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Lecturer, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterHumanoid, Intelligent Robot, Biomimetic Robot, Machine Learning, Foundation Models
NAITO HirokiNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Assistant ProfessorAgricultural Infomatics, Greenhouse Horticulture, Remote Sensing, Image Monitoring, Agricultural IoT, Agricultural work support


*: Head of the department marked with *

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
ABE MakotoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Management
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorMarketing Science, Behavioral Economics, Consumer Behavior
AIHARA KazuyukiDepartment of Human AI*International Research Center for NeurointelligenceAI Center Department Head* / Executive Director, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterComputational Neuroscience, Mathematical Engineering
AIZAWA KiyoharuDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorMultimedia, Computer Vision, Image Processing
AKAZAWA HiroshiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceCardiovascular Medicine, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
LecturerCardiovascular Medicine
ASHIDA YutoDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics of Intelligence
Graduate School of Science
Associate ProfessorQuantum physics, Condensed matter physics
BITO HaruhikoDepartment of Human AIDivision of Neuroscience
Graduate School of Medicine
ProfessorBrain Information Dynamics, Neurochemistry
DAIKOKU TatsuyaDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Associate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterCreativity, Music, Cognitive neuroscience, Machine learning
EMA ArisaDepartment of Intelligent SocietyTechnology Governance Policy Research Unit
Institute for Future Initiatives
Associate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterScience and Technology Studies
ENDO ToshihikoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Integrated Educational Sciences,
The Center for Early Childhood Development, Education, and Policy Research
Graduate School of Education
Professor, DirectorDevelopmental Psychology, Emotional Psychology
FUJIMOTO AkihiroDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDivision of International Health
Graduate School of Medicine
ProfessorHuman Genetics, Medical Genomics, Evolutionary genetics
FUJIU KatsuhitoDepartment of Machine IntelligenceCardiovascular Medicine, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
Project Associate ProfessorCirculation system, Inter-organ network, Patient physiological data, Medicine
FUKAO TakanoriDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorField Robotics
FUKUNAGA AlexDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
ProfessorSearch algorithms, Planning, Constraint satisfaction
HARADA KanakoDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceCenter for Biology and Integrative Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorMedical Robotics, 
Computer Aided Surgery
HARADA TatsuyaDepartment of Machine Intelligence*Machine Intelligence
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
AI Center Department Head* / Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterImage Recognition, Machine Learning, Intelligent Robots
HATO EijiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Civil Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Professor, Project Professor (joint appointment)Mobility, Behavioral Model, Urban Design
HIGASHI TakahiroDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligencePublic Health, Graduate School of MedicineProfessor
HIRAFUJI MasayukiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceInstitute for Sustainable Agro-ecosystem Services
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Project ProfessorField Informatics, Sensing, IoT, Big Data, AI, Personal Fabrication, Space Agriculture, Biological System Modeling
HIRAIKE OsamuDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Reproductive, Development and Aging Sciences
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorReproductive Endocrinology
HIRAKI KazuoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
ProfessorDevelopmental Science, Cognitive Science, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, EdTech
HIRONO YoshiyukiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
ProfessorApplied ethics, Evolutionary biology, Science studies, Science communication
HIROTA YasushiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDivision of Reproductive, Development and Aging Sciences
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorObstetrics & Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine & Biology, Embryo Implantation, Endoscopic Surgery
IBA HitoshiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence*Department of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
AI Center Department Head* / Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterEvolutionary Computation, Evolution / Emergence
IGARASHI TakeoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Creative Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorUser Interface / Graphics
IKEGAMI TakashiDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
ProfessorComplex systems sciences, Artificial life
IMAI TakeshiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceCenter for Biology and Integrative Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorMedical medical care, Knowledge engineering, Natural language processing, Clinical medical learning, Machine learning, Medical information standardization, Information model
INADA HaruhikoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyPublic Health, Graduate School of MedicineAssociate Professorpublic health, epidemiology, injury prevention, health policy, program evaluation
JIMBO YasuhikoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Precision Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
KABASHIMA YoshiyukiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics of Intelligence
Graduate School of Science
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterStatistical mechanics, Information theory, Machine learning
KAKEHI YasuakiDepartment of Human AIInterfaculty Initiative in Information StudiesProfessorHuman Computer Interaction, Media Art, Physical Interfaces
KANAZAWA HoshinoriDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Project Assistant ProfessorDevelopmental science, Neuroscience
KARASAWA KaoriDepartment of Intelligent Society*Division of Socio-cultural Studies
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
AI Center Department Head* / Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterSocial Psychology, Social Cognition
KATO JunkoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate Schools for law and PoliticsProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterPolitical Science
KAWAGUCHI DaijiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate School of Public PolicyProfessorLabor Economics
KAWAHARAZUKA KentoNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Lecturer, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterHumanoid, Intelligent Robot, Biomimetic Robot, Machine Learning, Foundation Models
KAWAZOE YoshimasaDepartment of Machine IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Graduate School of Medicine
Project Associate ProfessorMedical Informatics, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
KITA YoshihiroDepartment of Machine IntelligenceLife Sciences Core Facility
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorMetabolomics, Lipidomics, Mass Spectrometry, Biochemistry
KIYOKAWA SachikoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Integrated Educational Sciences
Graduate School of Education
Associate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterCognitive Science, Educational Psychology
KOBAYASHI KensukeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics of Intelligence
Graduate School of Science
ProfessorCondensed matter physics, Quantum sensing
KOJIMA FuhitoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorMatching Theory, Market Design
KUMAGAYA ShinichiroDepartment of Intelligent SocietyTojisha-Kenkyu
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
Associate ProfessorTojisha-kenkyu, Peadiatrics
KUNIYOSHI YasuoDepartment of Human AI(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence+Intelligent Society)(joint appointment)Department of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Director, Professor, AI Center Department Head / Project Professor* (joint appointment), Steering Committee Member of AI CenterIntelligent Systems Informatics: Emergence And Development Of Embodied Cognition, Bio-insipired Robotics, Intelligent Robotics, Human Neural/Physical Model, “Human” Artificial Intelligence
MATSUI YusukeDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
LecturerImage Searching
MATSUO YutakaDepartment of Intelligent SocietyResearch into Artifacts, Center for Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering 
ProfessorDeep Learning, Social Media, General Artificial Intelligence
MATSUSHIMA HitoshiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorGame theory, Mechanism Design, Microeconomics, Experimental Economics
MATSUZAKI MasanoriDepartment of Human AIDivision of Functional Biology
Graduate School of Medicine
MIYAO YusukeDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Computer Science
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorNatural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Syntactic/Semantic Parsing
MIZOGUCHI MasaruDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Global Agricultural Sciences
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterResilience Agronomy, Agro-informatics, Agricultural ICT/IoT
MORIKAWA HiroyukiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems
Graduate School of Engineering
ProfessorInformation Networks, IoT (Internet of Things), Wireless Communications, Digital Society Design
MORO ToruDepartment of Machine IntelligenceOrthopaedic Surgery, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
Project ProfessorOrthopaedics, Joint, Bone, Cartilage, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis , Fracture
MUKUTA YusukeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceMachine Intelligence
Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
LecturerImage Recognition, Machine Learning, Feature Extraction
NAEMURA TakeshiDepartment of Human AIInterfaculty Initiative in Information StudiesProfessorHuman Interfaces, Virtual Reality
NAGAI YukieDepartment of Human AIInternational Research Center for NeurointelligenceProject ProfessorCognitive Developmental Robotics
NAITO HirokiNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Assistant ProfessorAgricultural Infomatics, Greenhouse Horticulture, Remote Sensing, Image Monitoring, Agricultural IoT, Agricultural work support
NAKAGAWA SatoshiDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Assistant ProfessorHuman-robot Interaction, Machine Learning, Welfare Engineering
NAKAI YosukeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Endoscopy and Endoscopic Surgery
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorGastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastrointestinal oncology, Pancreatic cancer
NAKAJIMA KoheiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Associate ProfessorSoft Robotics, Physical Reservoir Computing, Physical Intelligence, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Information Theory
NAKAMURA YusukeDepartment of Human AIDivision of Cultural Resources Studies
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
ProfessorStudy on cognitive artifacts
NAKAYAMA HidekiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Creative Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorImage Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Multimodal Information Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
NIREI MakotoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorMacroeconomics, Business cycles, Household income and wealth distributions
NOZAKI TomoyoshiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDivision of International Health
Graduate School of Medicine
ProfessorDrug discovery, drug development, infectious diseases
NOZAWA SachikoDepartment of Human AIThe Center for Early Childhood Development, Education,and Policy Research
Graduate School of Education
Associate ProfessorEarly Childhood Education and Care, Developmental Psychology
OHASHI HiroshiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate School of EconomicsProfessorEconomics, Competition Policy, Industrial Organization
OHE KazuhikoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Social Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterMedical and Healthcare Information Science
OHMUKAI IkkiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyCenter for Evolving Humanities
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
Associate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterDigital Humanities, Web Informatics, Scholarly Communication
OKADA KeiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Creative Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorIntelligent Robotics, Humanoids, Open Robot System
OKADA MasatoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Complexity Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
ProfessorData-Driven Science
OKADA TakeshiDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Integrated Educational Sciences
Graduate School of Education
ProfessorPsychology of Creativity
OMORI YasuhiroDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorBayesian Statistics, Bayesian Econometrics, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Stochastic volatility
OSHIMA MariDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceInterfaculty Initiative in Information StudiesProfessorComputational Hemodynamics, Multi-Modality Data Assimilation, Data-Driven Surrogate Model, 3D Vascular Model
SAKURA OsamuDepartment of Intelligent SocietyInterfaculty Initiative in Information StudiesProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterSocial Theory Of Science And Technology, Social Formation Of Technology, Cultural Differences In Perception Of Technology
SASAKI HajimeDepartment of Intelligent SocietyNext Generation Sky System Research Unit, Intellectual Property Rights Policy Research Unit, Nanotechnology Innovation Research Unit
Institute for Future Initiatives
Associate ProfessorInnovation Management
SATO IsseiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Computer Science
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Associate ProfessorMachine Learning
SATO ShinichiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDivision of Surgical Sciences
Graduate School of Medicine
ProfessorDermatology, Scleroderma
SATO YoichiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceCenter for Socio-Global Informatics
Institute of Industrial Science
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterComputer Vision
SHINODA HiroyukiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Complexity Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
ProfessorHaptics, Physical Informatics
SHINTANI MototsuguDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
ProfessorMacroeconomics, Econometrics, Time Series Analysis
SHIROYAMA HideakiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate School of Public PolicyProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterPublic Administration, Science And Technology And Public Policy, International Administration Theory
SHISHIDO GeorgeDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate Schools for law and PoliticsProfessorConstitutional Law, Information Law
SOMEYA TakaoDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems
Graduate School of Engineering
ProfessorWearable Devices
SONE KenbunDepartment of Human AIObstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorDevelopment of AI-Based Medical Devices for Gynecologic Cancer
SUGIYAMA MasashiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Complexity Science and Engineering
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterMachine Learning, Statistical Data Analysis
SUZUKI TaijiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Mathematical Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorStatistical Learning Theory, Machine Learning, Learning Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Probabilistic Optimization
SUZUKI TakayukiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
ProfessorPhilosophy of mind, Philosophy of artificial intelligence
TAGA GentaroDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Integrated Educational Sciences
Graduate School of Education
ProfessorHuman developmental brain science
TAKAHASHI HirokazuDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Mechano-Informatics
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorBrain, Neural Engineering, Electrophysiology, Microelectrodes,
Hearing, Epilepsy, BMI / BCI, Neurodynamics
TANIKAWA TomohiroDepartment of Human AISocial ICT Research Center
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorHuman Interface, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Behavior-Inducing Technology, Social Cybernetics
TODO SyngeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics of Intelligence
Graduate School of Science
ProfessorComputational Physics, 
Condensed-matter Theory, 
Machine Learning, 
Quantum Computing
TORIUMI FujioDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Systems Innovation
Graduate School of Engineering
ProfessorComputational Social Science, Artificial Intelligence for Society
TOYODA MasashiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceCenter for Socio-Global Informatics
Institute of Industrial Science
ProfessorInteractive data analysis, Big data, Information visualization
TSUDA KojiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
ProfessorMachine Learning, Bioinformatics
TSURUOKA YoshimasaDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorNatural Language Processing, Game AI
UEDA KazuhiroDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterCognitive Science, Decision Science
Wei GuoDepartment of Machine IntelligenceEndowed Chair for Field Phenomics
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Associate ProfessorAgricultural Informatics, Plant Phenomics, machine learning, image processing
YAIRI TakehisaDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Graduate School of Engineering
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterLearning Of Dynamic Systems, Anomaly / Novelty Detection, Unsupervised Learning
YAMADA YutaDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceGynecologic Surgery, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
LecturerUrology, Robotic surgery
YAMAMOTO TomotakaDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Performance Monitoring and Risk Management
Graduate School of Medicine
Associate ProfessorNeurology, Patient safety, Resilient health care
YAMASAKI ToshihikoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Information and Communication Engineering
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
ProfessorComputer Vision, Multimedia, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning
YAMAUCHI ToshimasaDepartment of Human AIDivision of Internal Medicine
Graduate School of Medicine
ProfessorAdipokines, Insulin Signaling, Susceptibility Gene, Personalized Medicine, Genetic Testing, Bioinformatics, Polygenic Risk Score, Big Data, Genetic / Environmental interaction, Chronic Inflammation, Lifestyle-related Diseases, Immunometabolism, Bacterial Flora, Omix Analysis, Healthy Longevity, Aging, Exercise, Epigenome, Medical Science And Engineering Cooperation, Clinical Research, Comprehensive Database Project Based On An Advanced Electronic Medical Record, Structure-Based Drug Design
YANAGAWA NoriyukiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Economics
Graduate School of Economics
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterLaw And Economics
YONEMURA ShigetoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyGraduate Schools for law and PoliticsProfessorCivil Law / Medical Law
YOSHIDA NaokiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics of Intelligence
Graduate School of Science
ProfessorData analysis, astrophysics, deep learning
YOSHIZAKI AyumiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDermatology, University Hospital
Graduate School of Medicine
Project Associate ProfessorDermatology, systemic sclerosis, autoimmune disease
Zheng YinqiangNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterComputer Vision, Machine Learning, Numerical Optimization, Optical System


*: Head of the department marked with *

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
KUNIYOSHI YasuoDepartment of Human AI(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence+Department of Intelligent Society) (joint appointment)Department of Mechano-InformaticsDirector, Professor, AI Center Department Head / Project Professor* (joint appointment), Steering Committee Member of AI CenterIntelligent Systems Informatics: Emergence And Development Of Embodied Cognition, Bio-inspired Robotics, Intelligent Robotics, Human Neural/Physical Model, “Human” Artificial Intelligence
Zheng YinqiangNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterComputer Vision, Machine Learning, Numerical Optimization, Optical System
FUKAO TakanoriDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Mechano-InformaticsProfessorField Robotics
AIZAWA KiyoharuDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Information and Communication EngineeringProfessorMultimedia, Computer Vision, Image Processing
IBA HitoshiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence*Department of Information and Communication EngineeringAI Center Department Head* / Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterEvolutionary Computation, Evolution / Emergence
TSURUOKA YoshimasaDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Information and Communication EngineeringProfessorNatural Language Processing, Game AI
YAMASAKI ToshihikoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Information and Communication EngineeringProfessorComputer Vision, Multimedia, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning
IGARASHI TakeoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Creative InformaticsProfessorUser Interface / Graphics
OKADA KeiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Creative InformaticsProfessorIntelligent Robotics, Humanoids, Open Robot System
MIYAO YusukeDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Computer ScienceProfessorNatural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Syntactic/Semantic Parsing
SUZUKI TaijiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Mathematical InformaticsProfessorStatistical Learning Theory, Machine Learning, Learning Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Probabilistic Optimization
TANIKAWA TomohiroDepartment of Human AISocial ICT Research
ProfessorHuman Interface, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Behavior-Inducing Technology, Social Cybernetics
DAIKOKU TatsuyaDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Associate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterCreativity, Music, Cognitive neuroscience, Machine learning
TAKAHASHI HirokazuDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Mechano-InformaticsProfessorBrain, Neural Engineering, Electrophysiology, Microelectrodes,
Hearing, Epilepsy, BMI / BCI, Neurodynamics
NAKAYAMA HidekiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Creative InformaticsProfessorImage Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Multimodal Information Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
SATO IsseiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Computer ScienceAssociate ProfessorMachine Learning
NAKAJIMA KoheiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Mechano-InformaticsAssociate ProfessorSoft Robotics, Physical Reservoir Computing, Physical Intelligence, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Information Theory
KAWAHARAZUKA KentoNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research
Center for Education and Research in Information Science and Technology (CERIST)
Lecturer, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterHumanoid, Intelligent Robot, Biomimetic Robot, Machine Learning, Foundation Models
MATSUI YusukeDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Information and Communication EngineeringLecturerImage Searching
NAKAGAWA SatoshiDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Mechano-InformaticsAssistant ProfessorHuman-robot Interaction, Machine Learning, Welfare Engineering
KANAZAWA HoshinoriDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Mechano-InformaticsProject Assistant ProfessorDevelopmental science, Neuroscience

Graduate Schools for law and Politics

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
KATO JunkoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterPolitical Science
YONEMURA ShigetoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyProfessorCivil Law / Medical Law
SHISHIDO GeorgeDepartment of Intelligent Society Professor Constitutional Law, Information Law

Graduate School of Medicine

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
OHE KazuhikoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Social MedicineProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterMedical and Healthcare Information Science
MATSUZAKI MasanoriDepartment of Human AIDivision of Functional BiologyProfessorNeuroscience
BITO HaruhikoDepartment of Human AIDivision of NeuroscienceProfessor Brain Information Dynamics, Neurochemistry
YAMAUCHI ToshimasaDepartment of Human AIDivision of Internal MedicineProfessorAdipokines, Insulin Signaling, Susceptibility Gene, Personalized Medicine, Genetic Testing, Bioinformatics, Polygenic Risk Score, Big Data, Genetic / Environmental interaction, Chronic Inflammation, Lifestyle-related Diseases, Immunometabolism, Bacterial Flora, Omix Analysis, Healthy Longevity, Aging, Exercise, Epigenome, Medical Science And Engineering Cooperation, Clinical Research, Comprehensive Database Project Based On An Advanced Electronic Medical Record, Structure-Based Drug Design
SATO ShinichiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDivision of Surgical SciencesProfessorDermatology, Scleroderma
FUJIMOTO AkihiroDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDivision of International HealthProfessorHuman Genetics, Medical Genomics, Evolutionary genetics
NOZAKI TomoyoshiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDivision of International HealthProfessorDrug discovery, drug development, infectious diseases
HIROTA YasushiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDivision of Reproductive, Development and Aging SciencesAssociate ProfessorObstetrics & Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine & Biology, Embryo Implantation, Endoscopic Surgery
HIGASHI TakahiroDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligencePublic HealthProfessor
HIRAIKE OsamuDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of Reproductive, Development and Aging SciencesAssociate ProfessorReproductive Endocrinology
NAKAI YosukeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Endoscopy and Endoscopic SurgeryAssociate ProfessorGastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastrointestinal oncology, Pancreatic cancer
HARADA KanakoDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceCenter for Biology and Integrative MedicineAssociate ProfessorMedical Robotics, 
Computer Aided Surgery
KITA YoshihiroDepartment of Machine IntelligenceLife Sciences Core FacilityAssociate ProfessorMetabolomics, Lipidomics, Mass Spectrometry, Biochemistry
INADA HaruhikoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyPublic HealthAssociate Professorpublic health, epidemiology, injury prevention, health policy, program evaluation
YAMAMOTO TomotakaDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Performance Monitoring and Risk Management Associate ProfessorNeurology, Patient safety, Resilient health care
IMAI TakeshiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceCenter for Biology and Integrative MedicineAssociate ProfessorMedical medical care, Knowledge engineering, Natural language processing, Clinical medical learning, Machine learning, Medical information standardization, Information model
AKAZAWA HiroshiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceCardiovascular Medicine, University HospitalLecturerCardiovascular Medicine
YAMADA YutaDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceGynecologic Surgery, University HospitalLecturerUrology, Robotic surgery
SONE KenbunDepartment of Human AIObstetrics and Gynecology, University HospitalAssociate ProfessorDevelopment of AI-Based Medical Devices for Gynecologic Cancer
MORO ToruDepartment of Machine IntelligenceOrthopaedic Surgery, University HospitalProject ProfessorOrthopaedics, Joint, Bone, Cartilage, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Fracture
FUJIU KatsuhitoDepartment of Machine IntelligenceCardiovascular Medicine, University HospitalProject Associate ProfessorCirculation system, Inter-organ network, Patient physiological data, Medicine
KAWAZOE YoshimasaDepartment of Machine IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence in HealthcareProject Associate ProfessorMedical Informatics, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
YOSHIZAKI AyumiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDermatology, University HospitalProject Associate ProfessorDermatology, systemic sclerosis, autoimmune disease

Graduate School of Engineering

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
HATO EijiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Civil EngineeringProfessor, Project Professor (joint appointment)Mobility, Behavioral Model, Urban Design
JIMBO YasuhikoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Precision EngineeringProfessorNeuroengineering
SOMEYA TakaoDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Information SystemsProfessorWearable Devices
MORIKAWA HiroyukiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Information SystemsProfessorInformation Networks, IoT (Internet of Things), Wireless Communications, Digital Society Design
TORIUMI FujioDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Systems InnovationProfessorAssociate Professor
MATSUO YutakaDepartment of Intelligent SocietyResearch into Artifacts, Center for EngineeringProfessorDeep Learning, Social Media, General Artificial Intelligence
YAIRI TakehisaDepartment of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterLearning Of Dynamic Systems, Anomaly / Novelty Detection, Unsupervised Learning

Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitle Specialized Field URL
KARASAWA KaoriDepartment of Intelligent Society*Division of Socio-cultural StudiesAI Center Department Head* / Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterSocial Psychology,
Social Cognition
NAKAMURA YusukeDepartment of Human AIDivision of Cultural Resources StudiesProfessorStudy on cognitive artifacts
OHMUKAI IkkiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyCenter for Evolving HumanitiesAssociate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterDigital Humanities, Web Informatics, Scholarly Communication

Graduate School of Science

Name AI Center Department Affiliation Title Specialized Field URL
KABASHIMA YoshiyukiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics
of Intelligence
Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterStatistical mechanics,
Information theory,
Machine learning
YOSHIDA NaokiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics
of Intelligence
ProfessorData analysis, astrophysics, deep learning
KOBAYASHI KensukeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics
of Intelligence
ProfessorCondensed matter physics,
Quantum sensing
TODO SyngeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics
of Intelligence
ProfessorComputational Physics, 
Condensed-matter Theory, 
Machine Learning, 
Quantum Computing
ASHIDA YutoDepartment of Machine IntelligenceInstitute for Physics
of Intelligence
Associate ProfessorQuantum physics,
Condensed matter physics

Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Name AI Center Department Affiliation Title Specialized Field URL
MIZOGUCHI MasaruDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Global Agricultural SciencesProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterResilience Agronomy, Agro-informatics, Agricultural ICT/IoT
HIRAFUJI MasayukiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceInstitute for Sustainable Agro-ecosystem ServicesProject ProfessorField Informatics, Sensing, IoT, Big Data, AI, Personal  Fabrication, Space Agriculture, Biological System Modeling
Wei GuoDepartment of Machine IntelligenceEndowed Chair for Field PhenomicsAssociate ProfessorAgricultural Informatics, Plant Phenomics, machine learning, image processing
NAITO HirokiNew Generation AI Research and Education Strategy Headquarters(+Department of Dynamic Real-World Intelligence) (joint appointment)Department of Biological and Environmental EngineeringAssistant ProfessorAgricultural Infomatics, Greenhouse Horticulture, Remote Sensing, Image Monitoring, Agricultural IoT, Agricultural work support

Graduate School of Economics

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
YANAGAWA NoriyukiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDivision of EconomicsProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterLaw And Economics
OMORI YasuhiroDepartment of Intelligent Society Division of EconomicsProfessorBayesian Statistics, Bayesian Econometrics, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Stochastic volatility
MATSUSHIMA HitoshiDepartment of Intelligent Society Division of EconomicsProfessorGame theory, Mechanism Design, Microeconomics, Experimental Economics
NIREI MakotoDepartment of Intelligent Society Division of EconomicsProfessorMacroeconomics, Business cycles, Household income and wealth distributions
SHINTANI MototsuguDepartment of Intelligent Society Division of EconomicsProfessorMacroeconomics, Econometrics, Time Series Analysis
KOJIMA FuhitoDepartment of Intelligent Society Division of EconomicsProfessorMatching Theory, Market Design
ABE MakotoDepartment of Intelligent Society Division of ManagementProfessorMarketing Science, Behavioral Economics, Consumer Behavior
OHASHI HiroshiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyProfessorEconomics, Competition Policy, Industrial Organization

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Name AI Center Department Affiliation Title Specialized Field URL
IKEGAMI TakashiDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Multidisciplinary SciencesProfessorComplex systems sciences, Artificial life
UEDA KazuhiroDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Multidisciplinary SciencesProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterCognitive Science, Decision Science
HIRAKI KazuoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Multidisciplinary SciencesProfessorDevelopmental Science, Cognitive Science, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, EdTech
FUKUNAGA AlexDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Multidisciplinary SciencesProfessorSearch algorithms, Planning, Constraint satisfaction
HIRONO YoshiyukiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Multidisciplinary SciencesProfessorApplied ethics, Evolutionary biology, Science studies, Science communication
SUZUKI TakayukiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Multidisciplinary SciencesProfessorPhilosophy of mind, Philosophy of artificial intelligence

Graduate School of Education

Name AI Center Department Affiliation Title Specialized Field URL
TAGA GentaroDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Integrated Educational SciencesProfessorHuman developmental brain science
OKADA TakeshiDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Integrated Educational SciencesProfessorPsychology of Creativity
ENDO ToshihikoDepartment of Intelligent SocietyDepartment of Integrated Educational Sciences,
The Center for Early Childhood Development, Education,and Policy Research
Professor, DirectorDevelopmental Psychology, Emotional Psychology
KIYOKAWA SachikoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Integrated Educational SciencesAssociate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterCognitive Science, Educational Psychology
NOZAWA SachikoDepartment of Human AIThe Center for Early Childhood Development, Education,and Policy ResearchAssociate ProfessorEarly Childhood Education and Care,  Developmental Psychology

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
SUGIYAMA MasashiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Complexity Science and EngineeringProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterMachine Learning, Statistical Data Analysis
OKADA MasatoDepartment of Human AIDepartment of Complexity Science and EngineeringProfessorData-Driven Science
SHINODA HiroyukiDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceDepartment of Complexity Science and EngineeringProfessorHaptics, Physical Informatics
TSUDA KojiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceDepartment of Computational Biology and Medical SciencesProfessorMachine Learning, Bioinformatics

Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
OSHIMA MariDepartment of Dynamic Real-World IntelligenceProfessorComputational Hemodynamics, Multi-Modality Data Assimilation, Data-Driven Surrogate Model, 3D Vascular Model
NAEMURA TakeshiDepartment of Human AIProfessorHuman Interfaces, Virtual Reality
SAKURA OsamuDepartment of Intelligent SocietyProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterSocial Theory Of Science And Technology, Social Formation Of Technology, Cultural Differences In Perception Of Technology
KAKEHI YasuakiDepartment of Human AIProfessorHuman Computer Interaction, Media Art, Physical Interfaces

Graduate School of Public Policy

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
SHIROYAMA HideakiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterPublic Administration, Science And Technology And Public Policy, International Administration Theory
KAWAGUCHI DaijiDepartment of Intelligent SocietyProfessorLabor Economics

Institute of Industrial Science

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
SATO YoichiDepartment of Machine IntelligenceCenter for Socio-Global InformaticsProfessor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterComputer Vision
TOYODA MasashiDepartment of Dynamic
Real-World Intelligence
Center for Socio-Global InformaticsProfessorInteractive data analysis, Big data, Information visualization

Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
HARADA TatsuyaDepartment of Machine Intelligence*Machine IntelligenceAI Center Department Head* / Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterImage Recognition, Machine Learning, Intelligent Robots
KUMAGAYA ShinichiroDepartment of Intelligent SocietyTojisha-KenkyuAssociate ProfessorTojisha-kenkyu, Peadiatrics
MUKUTA YusukeDepartment of Machine IntelligenceMachine IntelligenceLecturerImage Recognition, Machine Learning, Feature Extraction

International Research Center for Neurointelligence

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
NAGAI YukieDepartment of Human AIProject ProfessorCognitive Developmental Robotics
AIHARA KazuyukiDepartment of Human AI*AI Center Department Head* / Executive Director, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterComputational Neuroscience, Mathematical Engineering

Institute for Future Initiatives

NameAI Center DepartmentAffiliationTitleSpecialized FieldURL
EMA ArisaDepartment of Intelligent SocietyTechnology Governance Policy Research UnitAssociate Professor, Steering Committee Member of AI CenterScience and Technology Studies
SASAKI HajimeDepartment of Intelligent SocietyNext Generation Sky System Research Unit, Intellectual Property Rights Policy Research Unit, Nanotechnology Innovation Research Unit
Institute for Future Initiatives
Associate ProfessorInnovation Management