2020年12月15日, 第2回AIセミナーを主催します(先端人工知能論Ⅱの特別講演も兼ねます)【学内限定公開】
日 時: 12月15日(火) 15:10-16:40
会 場: オンライン開催
題 目: 先端人工知能論Ⅱ 特別講演
講師名: 古川泰隆准教授(Simon Fraser University)
Title: Structured Geometry Modeling and Indoor GPS
Abstract: I will present two recent research projects from my group. The first project is structured geometry reconstruction and generation. Our research has enabled vectorization of scanned floorplan images and automatic floorplan reconstruction from RGBD videos at a production quality. Furthermore, our research has enabled generation of realistic floorplans, indistinguishable from designs made by professional architects. The second project is indoor GPS, in particular, neural inertial navigation and dense history location inference by multi-modal sensor fusion. The current state-of-the-art Indoor GPS system is Google Fused Location API. Our system has tripled the indoor localization accuracy from 12 meters down to 4 meters at shopping malls with standard smartphones.